Server built to be fast, light and easy to use.
- No threads or processes created per connection; runs with only few (2-13) threads (depends on enabled protocols and user defined 0-10 extra loops for multiple processors).
- Possibility to handle up to 5000 connections simultaneously (depends on your hardware and network bandwidth)
- Better to configure: simple and fast script (auto-compiled) based configuration with "if" and "else" conditions + operators to set values for different configuration variables, defining virtual hosts, banning users, setting FTP accounts, denying access, redirecting or enabling and disabling all kind of features at runtime! Also supporting wildcards and environment variables. All settings in one file and included configurations.
- Balancing and task dealing beetween 0-10 extra threads
- Support for PHP, Perl, Python, SSI, etc. Also other handlers can be defined.
- Support for keep-alive connections
- Basic authentication
- Set for each FTP account an own root directory and permission flags. Also "anonymous" -account can be enabled!
- Fully customizable directory list style by setting your own css -file and channing default png icons! Also banner html can be set on top of the list, to e.g. display an image, notes or set script for page.
- Writes requests, dates, addresses and return codes to log files and/or stdout, if enabled. You can enable logging for one client, IP -range(s), host or all traffic.
- All resources (directory list png icons, default error pages etc.) included into one external dll -file!
- Small assembly makes it portable
- Quick to install: no annoying installers, just unzip and you're ready! Binary package contains an example configuration and web root directory so you can instantly test the server.

Last Modified: April 06 2010 14:51:41